We have never used chemicals such as PFAS or mercury in our manufacturing process.
DRT’s manufacturing process does not generate HAPs. Emissions from DRT are not hazardous – what we make is used by several consumer industries, including perfumery, food and beverage, adhesives, coatings, and construction industries.
In September, pretreated sulfate turpentine (PST) leaked from a faulty seal. The PST was fully contained at the site in a concrete containment area. DRT immediately reported the incident to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). The EPD was very clear in its November report that it did not identify any public health concerns from the leak.
Odors are part of every manufacturing process. What we have publicly stated is, if the odors affecting the community are coming from our plant, we will own that issue and aggressively work to correct it. We fully understand the concerns and, as a good neighbor, we are trying to pinpoint the source. We’ve hired an engineering firm to help us evaluate whether the odors affecting the community originate from the plant. The key right now is a methodical evaluation to determine the source.
What you are seeing is steam which comes from our boiler, as well as from our emissions control system, which ensures all vapors are properly treated before they exit the plant. We run our emissions control systems even when the plant is not operating to ensure no odors are emitted. Our entire production process is also enclosed to capture all vapors.
Our plant operations are the same day and night.
Please email us with any questions, or odor complaints at drtspringfield@gmail.com